Royal Power Energy



Royal Power Energy Introduction

Technical Overview

Sentinel - Mount Vernon Project


Electrical utilities provide only two (2) types of electrical power to consumers; KW and KVAR. However, they do not provide KVA, which is a calculated number based on the interaction of both KW and KVAR. KW is the power needed to push current through the customers electrical wiring systems and components. KVAR is reactive power to cause a reaction between two (2) magnetic fields; sometimes it is referred to as magnetizing power, the power needed to rotate electric motors.

When a motor is energized, the opposing magnetic fields set up from the stator, which is stationary/fixed and the rotor which is not fixed but free to rotate, there is a transfer of electro- magnetic power into rotational torque to provide mechanical power to do work. When Chiller motors work to move a large load such as tons of water for cooling purposes, they consume large amounts of reactive magnetizing power (KVARS) as well as some KW power. The combination of KW and KVAR requires current and voltage, but mostly current as a variable, whereas the voltage is maintained as a constant.

Power Factor (PF) is a measure of the energy efficiency that occurs between the vector quantities of KW and KVAR. The net result of KW and KVAR interaction can be represented as KVA (a calculated value from KW and KVA) based on right angle trigonometry. The efficiency of energy use with KW, KVAR and KVA on a “Power Triangle”, can be measured as the Cosine of right-angle trigonometry from the Power Triangle. For example, the Cosine of the angle 11.54 degrees is 0.98 or 98%; it is commonly referred to as 0.98 PF, a measure of excellent optimized power efficiency.

Power capacitors are used in our Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) equipment to supply measured amounts of KVARS locally to the 480V bus to balance out the draw of KVARS consumed from the local utility. The amount of KVARS inserted by our APFC matches the needs of the electrical load; this insertion and removal of capacitive KVARS offsets the inductive KVARS of the load. The net effect is to lower the amount of KVARS consumed (pulled) from the power grid. This results in a reduction of current needed by your electrical load (especially motors) and less power moving across the meter.

With less overall current flowing in your electrical system there can be a reduction of 2-3% KW of heating losses on your power bill. A bigger benefit is less KVAR

consumed by motor loads.

With Automatic Power Factor Correction to a continuous 0.98 PF, there are several important benefits:

There are several factors that can cause low power factor. Some of the main causes include: 1. Inductive Loads: Inductive loads, such as motors, transformers, and fluorescent lights, can cause low power factor. These devices require reactive power to operate, which leads to a lagging current and low power factor. 2. Capacitive Loads: Although less common, capacitive loads can also cause low power factor. Capacitive loads, such as power factor correction capacitors and certain types of electronic equipment, generate reactive power, leading to a leading current and low power factor. 3. Imbalanced Loads: If there is an imbalance in the distribution of loads across the three phases of a power system, it can lead to low power factor. 4. Long Distribution Lines: When electricity is transmitted over long distances, the resistance and reactance of the transmission lines can cause a voltage drop and lead to low power factor. 5. Oversized Equipment: If the electrical equipment in a system is oversized for the load requirements, it can result in low power factor. 6. Harmonics: The presence of harmonics in a power system, caused by non-linear loads like computers and electronic devices, can contribute to low power factor. 7. Poor Power Factor Correction: Inadequate or faulty power factor correction equipment can also cause low power factor. It is important to note that a low power factor can result in several negative consequences, including increased energy consumption, higher electricity bills, reduced system efficiency, and potential penalties from utility companies.What are the Benefits of OmniPower ™ Power Factor Correction

1st benefit: Reduced energy consumption, especially with motors. This reflects the difference between your power factor of 0.5 PF and 0.98 PFoptimum with our APFC equipment. Power reductions can be seen in less amps, KW, KWH, KWHpeak, KVARS. The savings can be verified by a follow-up Power Quality survey after commissioning and operation of the APFC equipment.


2nd benefit: KW conductor heating produced by line currents in the electrical system can be reduced by about 3%. This is due to less thermal kW (I 2 R) heating effects in the system conductor wiring from a reduction in kVA; inserting capacitance causes a reduction in reactive power (kVARS) and the vectorial sum of kVAR and kW then results in less kVA and less current flowing in the system wiring. Less current (amps) means less kW heat (I 2 R) in the wiring; this means more uptime with less equipment stress and longer life for all equipment such as bus, conductors, connections, splices, circuit breakers, motors and transformers.


3rd benefit: Voltage at the premises can be kept nominal at 480V and not subject to numerous dips in voltage. As noted previously when large motors are started, they require large amounts of current to move heavy loads from standstill. And when large amounts of current (amps) are pulled from the utility, it causes a large angular separation between voltage and current waveforms. Sometimes with large separation between voltage and current, the frequency can also collapse. Lower voltage (dips) and high motor currents show up as poor Power Factor (PF), such as 0.37 PF. This problem can be solved by maintaining an automatic power factor held continuously at the optimum of 0.98PF; the result is strong and consistent voltage to motors without numerous dips.


4th benefit: A higher voltage delivered to the motors. Since less current would be flowing, then there is less voltage drops from I 2 R thermal effects in the wiring and the delivered voltage to the motors is then higher. Motors that could be operating on the ragged edge of performance with low voltage (i.e. 416V), can then receive a higher voltage to operate efficiently in their design range and have longer life. Typically, electric motors  are designed to operate at 460V with ± 10% voltage tolerance, in anticipation of numerous voltage-drop losses that normally occur in the premises 480V nominal electrical wiring.


5th benefit: A filter tuned for 3.47 th harmonic, to avoid harmonic resonance. To prevent a possible condition called “harmonic resonance”, we include a filter as standard equipment, that is tuned for 3.47 th (208 Hz); current harmonic resonance can lower the system impedance (%Z) and allow a higher- than-normal available fault current that could flow under a short circuit (ISC). These unwanted current harmonic resonance frequencies are continuously shunted to ground to dissipate their energy and prevent this harmonic from setting up. Other OEM PF suppliers typically do not provide this type of protection feature with their equipment.

Most power factor equipment providers do not include this safety feature. 

6th benefit: Removal of kW heating effect (I2R) in system wiring caused by odd current harmonics such as 5 th , 7 th , and 11 th . This is accomplished with the application of custom designed filters that operate continuously to sink (dissipate) the unwanted harmonics to ground reference, so they do not affect the power quality of adjacent equipment. Harmonics are typically produced by switching power supplies from equipment such as variable speed drives (VFD’s) on motors. Other harmonic producing equipment are LED lighting, and computers, etc.


KVAR stands for kilovolt-ampere reactive, which is a unit used to measure reactive power in an electrical system. Reactive power is the power that oscillates between the source and the load without performing useful work. It is necessary for the operation of inductive and capacitive loads, such as motors, transformers, and capacitors. In an alternating current (AC) circuit, power consists of two components: real power (measured in kilowatts) and reactive power (measured in kilovolt-amperes reactive or KVAR). Real power is the actual power that is used to perform work, such as powering devices and generating heat. Reactive power, on the other hand, is the power required to establish and maintain the magnetic and electric fields associated with inductive and capacitive loads. Reactive power is measured in KVAR because it represents the product of voltage (in kilovolts) and current (in amperes) in an AC circuit. It is important to manage reactive power in electrical systems to ensure efficient operation, minimize losses, and maintain voltage stability. To control and manage reactive power, devices called capacitors and inductors are used. Capacitors provide reactive power by storing energy in an electric field, while inductors provide reactive power by storing energy in a magnetic field. By adjusting the amount of reactive power supplied or absorbed by these devices, the overall power factor of the system can be improved, leading to increased efficiency and reduced electricity costs. In summary, KVAR is a unit used to measure reactive power in electrical systems. It represents the product of voltage and current in an AC circuit and is managed using capacitors and inductors to improve power factor and system efficiency.

Reactive power is the power that oscillates between the source and the load in an AC circuit due to the presence of reactive components such as inductors and capacitors. It is denoted by the symbol Q and is measured in volt-amperes reactive (VAR). Reactive power does not perform any useful work but is necessary for the proper functioning of certain electrical devices and systems. It is required to establish and maintain electromagnetic fields in inductive and capacitive elements, and it is also involved in voltage and current phase shifts. In an AC circuit, the combination of real power (measured in watts) and reactive power (measured in VAR) gives the total power, which is measured in volt-amperes (VA).

Additionally, reactive power management is important for heavy machinery to ensure reliable operation and prevent issues such as voltage fluctuations and equipment damage. When heavy machinery operates at a low power factor, it can result in voltage drops in the power supply system. These voltage drops can affect the performance of other equipment connected to the same power system and can cause malfunctions or damage to sensitive electronic devices. Moreover, high levels of reactive power can overload transformers, cables, and other components of the power distribution system. This can lead to increased losses, overheating, and reduced system capacity. By managing the reactive power and improving the power factor, the strain on the power distribution system is reduced, enhancing its reliability and longevity. Proper management of reactive power in heavy machinery also helps in complying with utility regulations and avoiding penalties. Utilities often impose penalties on industrial customers with poor power factors, as it can lead to inefficiency in power transmission and distribution systems. In some cases, heavy machinery may require active power factor correction systems, which automatically monitor and adjust the reactive power based on the load conditions. These systems ensure that the power factor remains within acceptable limits, optimizing energy efficiency and minimizing reactive power flow. Overall, effective management of reactive power in heavy machinery is essential for maintaining a reliable, efficient, and stable electrical system. It improves power quality, reduces energy costs, enhances equipment performance, and minimizes the impact on the power distribution infrastructure

Harmonic filtering is a technique used to mitigate or reduce the presence of harmonics in an electrical system. Harmonics are unwanted electrical currents or voltages that are multiples of the fundamental frequency in an AC power system. These harmonics can cause various issues such as increased losses, overheating of equipment, distorted waveforms, and interference with other equipment. Harmonics are typically generated by nonlinear loads, such as power electronic devices, variable frequency drives, arc furnaces, and some types of lighting. These nonlinear loads draw non-sinusoidal currents, which result in harmonic distortion in the electrical system. Harmonic filtering aims to minimize the negative effects of harmonics by removing or reducing their presence. This is achieved by using passive or active filters. Passive filters are composed of passive components such as inductors, capacitors, and resistors. These filters are designed to create a low-impedance path for harmonic currents, diverting them away from sensitive equipment. Passive filters are effective for specific harmonics, but they may not be as flexible in adapting to changing harmonic conditions. Active filters, on the other hand, use power electronic devices to actively generate harmonic currents that cancel out the harmonics produced by the nonlinear loads. These filters are capable of dynamically adjusting to changing harmonic conditions and can provide better harmonic mitigation. Harmonic filtering is essential in power systems to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of electrical equipment. It helps to reduce power losses, prevent equipment overheating, improve power quality, and comply with harmonic distortion standards set by regulatory bodies. In summary, harmonic filtering is a technique used to reduce or eliminate harmonics in an electrical system. It involves the use of passive or active filters to mitigate the negative effects of harmonics,such as increased losses and distorted waveforms. Harmonic filtering is important for maintaining power quality and ensuring the reliable operation of electrical equipment.

The presence of KVAR (kilovolt-ampere reactive) does not necessarily present a problem for consumers of electricity. In fact, a certain amount of reactive power is necessary for the operation of inductive and capacitive loads, such as motors, transformers, and capacitors. However, there are a few reasons why excessive or uncontrolled reactive power (KVAR) can be problematic: 1. Decreased efficiency: Reactive power does not perform useful work and consumes energy without contributing to the actual output of the system. When there is a high level of reactive power in an electrical system, it reduces the overall power factor. A low power factor means that a higher current is required to deliver a given amount of real power (kW), leading to increased losses in the system. This results in decreased efficiency and higher electricity costs. 2. Voltage drop and stability issues: Reactive power flow causes voltage drops along the transmission and distribution lines. This can lead to voltage instability, affecting the performance of sensitive equipment and causing malfunctions or disruptions. Low voltage levels can also result in increased current and additional losses in the system. 3. Overloading of equipment: Excessive reactive power can lead to overloading of electrical equipment, such as transformers and generators. These devices are designed to handle a certain level of reactive power, and when the reactive power demand exceeds their capacity, it can cause overheating and reduced lifespan of the equipment. 4. Penalties and charges: Some utility providers impose penalties or charges on consumers with poor power factors. These charges are intended to encourage consumers to maintain a power factor closer to unity (1.0) and incentivize energy efficiency. To mitigate the problems associated with excessive reactive power, power factor correction techniques are employed. These techniques involve the use of capacitors, reactors, and other devices to provide or absorb reactive power and improve the power factor. By controlling and managing reactive power, consumers can reduce losses, improve system efficiency, enhance equipment performance, and avoid penalties associated with poor power factor. In summary, while a certain amount of reactive power is necessary for the operation of electrical systems, excessive or uncontrolled reactive power can lead to decreased efficiency, voltage instability, equipment overloading, and additional charges. Power factor correction techniques are employed to mitigate these problems and improve the overall performance of the

electrical system.

There are several reasons for degradation in the transfer of electricity. Some of the main reasons are: 1. Resistance: Electrical wires have some resistance, which means that some energy is lost as heat when electricity flows through them. This resistance increases with the length of the wire and the amount of current flowing through it, leading to energy loss. 2. Impedance: Electrical circuits have impedance, which is a measure of their resistance to the flow of electrical current. Impedance can be caused by inductance, capacitance, and resistance in the circuit, and it can cause a reduction in the amount of power that can be transferred. 3. Voltage drop: As electricity flows through a wire, there is a voltage drop due to the resistance of the wire. This can cause a reduction in the voltage and power that can be transferred to the load. 4. Frequency: Electrical energy is typically transmitted at high frequencies to reduce energy loss due to resistance. However, high-frequency signals can be attenuated by the wire and other components in the circuit, leading to energy loss. Overall, there are several factors that can contribute to degradation in the transfer of electricity, including resistance, impedance, voltage drop, and frequency. These factors can lead to energy loss and reduced efficiency in electrical systems.

Power factor correction can significantly help to reduce the degradation of the transfer of electricity. Power factor correction involves adding capacitors to the electrical system to reduce reactive power and improve power factor, which can help to reduce energy waste and improve efficiency. By improving the power factor, power factor correction can reduce the current flowing through the electrical system, which can reduce the resistance and voltage drop in the system, leading to less energy loss. However, power factor correction may not solve all the problems related to energy loss in electrical systems. Other factors such as resistance, impedance, and frequency can also contribute to energy loss, and these may not be solved by power factor correction alone. Therefore, it is important to consider all the factors that can contribute to energy loss and degradation in the transfer of electricity when designing and optimizing electrical systems.

The OmniPower TM Power Factor Correction System by PRE is the ONLY automatic power system in existence. Our system

3 Automatically analyzes power factor correction efficiency.

4 Dynamically detects and adjusts accordingly to increase power factor to a perfect >0.98 PF.

5 24/7/365 continuous remote monitoring with real-time alert and system reporting for both RPE and our clients

Our OmniPower TM Solution prolongs the life of equipment by eliminating electrical surges in compressors, transformers, generators, pumps, hydraulics, and multiple phase engines.

A – 0.85 pounds of CO2 emissions saved per kWh.


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