Royal Power Energy

Commercial and Industrial Clients

Save power, reduce electrical bills and carbon emissions.

Power Efficiency Issues

  • 20 – 40% of incoming facility power is wasted due to power inefficiencies

  • Inefficient power causes higher utility bills

  • Critical shortage and availability of additional power on the power grid causes brown outs and black outs

  • Inefficient power causes excess heat and fuel consumption in transformers and power distribution equipment

  • Excess heat and fuel consumption causes greater emissions and increased carbon footprint

  • Higher costs of environmental regulations impact profitability

  • The current power factor correction systems in the market consist of fixed capacitor banks systems with multiple pre-set offsets.  It does not monitor the system automatically to determine how much power factor correction is needed at any given time making it not optimal for maintaining a perfect .98 power factor. 

The OmniPower ™ Solution

The OmniPower™ System is the only patented technology providing real-time, automatic control to lower total power at a customer’s premises. The System is a custom-built, enclosure-based power efficiency and conditioning system. The OmniPower™ Power Factor Correction System integrates a state-of-the-art Automatic Power Factor Controller (APFC), software, and a process to automatically maintain a continuous Power Factor (PF) correction to 0.98 PF.  It includes banks of capacitors, automatic switching control circuits (which keep the power factor at .98 24-7), passive and active harmonic filters, and scalable, dynamic load balancing modules. The overall system capacity is scalable in 25KW, 50KW, or 100KW increments from 75KW up to 100s of megawatt. Custom power systems with excessive inductive/capacitive mismatch, multiple phase and frequency distortion, or harmonics will reap the maximum benefits of this solution.

OmniPower ™ Power Factor Correction System BEFORE and AFTER

OmniPower ™  Patented Power Factor Correction Solution Decreases the delta between Current and Voltage automatically, 24/7, 365 days a year.

OmniPower ™ Advantages

The OmniPower ™  Power Factor Correction System is the only automatic power factor system that automatically analyzes power factor correction efficiency in real time. 


  • RPE OmniPower™ Automatic Power Factor Correction System (APFC) is an integrated system consisting of multiple size steps and switched stages of capacitors, soft switches, active harmonic filters, passive harmonic filters, and load balancers.


  • OmniPower™ automatically monitors the current load on the system by measuring the voltage sine wave and current sine wave, and uses their offset to calculate the real time PF.  Then it compares this real time power factor to the selected target power factor of typically .98 to determine the exact amount and number of steps and stages of capacitors, soft switches, active harmonic filters, passive harmonic filters, and load balancers to switch in or out to maintain the target PF.


  • The system is monitored and automatically adjusted 365 days a year, 7 days a week and dynamically at a sub-second frequency on an ongoing basis, and the results are stored in a reporting database at a selectable minute to hours timeframe.


  • Customers can experience 20% – 40% reduction of power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Decreased energy bills and avoidance of reactive (VAR) power charges offering a fast return on investment
  • Extends lifetime of electrical equipment by protecting from harmonics generated by industrial operations increasing operational reliability and reducing maintenance repairs


  • Offers load balancing for asymmetrical current consumption.


  • Load balancing for asymmetrical current consumption


  • Modular design


  • Automatic resonance detection


  • Sensor less voltage control mode to mitigate grid voltage distortion


  • Increase capacity on utility grid for additional injection of clean power energy sources

What Your Savings Will Be

When you work with us
Reduced Carbon
Average Power
Bill Savings
Reduced Carbon
Average Power
Bill Savings

Before OmniPower™

After OmniPower™

The system calculates the Delta.

Strategic Materials Case Study

Easy Three-Phase Process to acquire OmniPower™ Solution

Phase-1 Qualification: To “estimate power savings,” RPE electrical engineers analyze the customer’s One-Line Diagram and the most recent twelve months of power bills to determine if the customer is a candidate to install OmniPower™.

Phase-2 Testing: To identify “power savings,” RPE will have a third-party Professional Engineer (PE) and Qualified Testing Company conduct a power quality survey with properly calibrated meters at the load to determine kW, kVAR, Harmonics, Disturbances, and other electrical problems.  Test duration is two weeks and a report is stamped by a state-certified PE.

Phase-3 Installation:  RPE orders OmniPower™ Automatic Power Controller manufactured to the customer’s load characteristics and specifications and arranges for installation without interrupting power.  RPE will install Omni Power™ in parallel to the system. 


There are two ways to acquire the OmniPower™  Automatic Power Controller. 


 A.  No Cost, No Liability, 50/50 Shared Savings Plan.   

If the customer agrees to share the utility power bill savings 50/50 with RPE, RPE will conduct all testing, installation, upgrades, downgrades, and provide 24/7 monitoring and maintenance, with no cost, no liability to the customer.  ROI is not applicable. 


 B.  Purchase Agreement.  Customer agrees to purchase RPE equipment and a monthly service contract.  RPE orders and installs OmniPower™ and conducts 24/7 monitoring and maintenance.  This service contract is required as protected intellectual property (IP).  Estimated ROI is typically 18 months after installation; thereafter all utility savings accrue to the customer.